Natural Peanut Butter

But what about Peanut Butter???

It is often hard to find alternative treats and activities for your pets, so we are here to help!

Why is peanut butter great for your dog?
Apart from most dogs loving the taste of peanut butter and doing almost anything you ask for some (sounds heavenly right), it’s also a great source of protein so your dogs bodies love it too!

What can you use peanut butter for?

  •  Interactive toys such as lickimats, toppls and kongs – studies have shown licking releases endorphins in an animal’s brain that make them feel calmer and relaxed, it’s also a great energy burner too for those rainy days or dogs that just don’t know how to chill!
  •  A yummy topper for your dogs food
  • Great way to hide those scary, monster tablets

Peanut butter is so tasty that it can help make your dog feel more comfortable during an experience that they may not like, for example, nail clipping or having a bath. You can smear it on a lid or plate and put it in front of them to help distract your pooch from what’s really happening. This also includes taking those pesky tablets from the vets! The use of peanut butter is a great way to hide medicine and make it much less stressful for both dog and owner. 

All of this sounds great right, “where can we get some magical peanut butter?” we hear you ask – well look no further. We have some delicious new products from a small bakery in the heart of Shropshire, all handmade with love! The peanut butter is completely natural made from 100% peanuts with no artificial additives or preservatives! 

If your doggie likes the peanut butter, be sure to check out their other
treats which are made with peanut butter too: Bedtime BicciesMinty Breath
Bones and Cheesy Training Treats.
If you choose to give these a try please let us know how they went down in your household, we’d love to hear what you were able to do with the peanut distractor!

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